null Michael Apple: Are International Educational Reforms Really Democratic?


Professor Michael Apple gave a lecture on "Are International Educational Reforms Really Democratic?" on the 19th of May 2017 at 4.30 PM in the Auditorium of the Helsinki Music centre.

The lecture was organised by ArtsEqual and University of Arts Helsinki's CERADA (Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts).

In an large number of nations throughout the world, educational reforms are being proposed and instituted that claim to be democratic.  Often based on "consumer choice" or a return to a "common culture", they seem rhetorically committed to defending and expanding democracy and to making education more responsive and effective.  But the effects of these widespread reforms are different. Apple shall examine their contradictory effects and in the process also document more robust democratic policies and practices that have considerable promise.


Michael W. Apple is the John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. He has worked with progressive educational systems, governments, universities, unions, and activist and dissident groups throughout the world to democratize educational research, policy, and practice.

Professor Apple has written extensively on the politics of educational reform, on the relationship between culture and power, and on education for social justice. Among his most recent books are Knowledge, Power, and Education and Can Education Change Society?  Professor Apple has been selected as one of the fifty most important educational scholars in the 20th Century. His books Ideology and Curriculum and Official Knowledge were also selected as two of the most significant books on education in the 20th Century.

Apple is member of ArtsEqual advisory board.

Video (in English) and article (in Finnish) about professor Apple in November 2015